
Asphalt Recycling

Millions of tonnes of asphalt have being wasted in the country, when these could be properly treated and recycled for rehabilitation of road projects and new pavements.

8,500 km by March 2015: How Realistic is the Target?

The Union Finance Minister has set a target of 8,500 km of roads to be completed during the current fiscal year, which simply means construction of about 35.5 km of road per day! In the last couple of years,

Intelligent compaction

Road construction experts as well as OEMs, vouch for the efficacy of intelligent compaction technology lauding the way it has led to improved roads. It is one of the most significant technological developments for the road construction sector

Hot Mix Technology: On Solid Ground

The current challenges in hot mix asphalt pavement-making in India is to manage sustainability, conserve energy and natural resources, eliminate waste yet achieve a pavement quality with competitive cost per unit length.