
New successor to Grove GMK6300L

Manitowoc has announced that it will launch a follow-up to the popular Grove GMK6300L all-terrain crane, which launched in 2010 and became an immediate worldwide hit. The new 300 t (350 USt) capacity model is the GMK6300L-1, and it will continue its predecessor's legacy, bringing new levels of performance leadership to the six-axle category.

Manitowoc launches GMK6300L-1

Manitowoc has announced the launch of a follow-up to the popular Grove GMK6300L all-terrain crane, which launched in 2010. The new 300 t (350 USt) capacity model is the GMK6300L-1, and it will continue its predecessor?s legacy, bringing new levels of performance leadership to the six-axle category.

Flexible Shaft Technology

Suhner Group is pioneer in flexible shaft drive technology for the past 100 years catering to the various sectors like automotive, construction, machine tools, abrasives, and miscellaneous custom applications in jewellery, industrial cleaning, etc.