The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) is the engine that will drive productivity over the next decade. The Internet of Things revolution that started in the beginning of this decade is expected to connect over 50 billion industrial devices to the internet by 2020. IIOT is aimed at helping industrial customers significantly improve their asset utilization through data driven decision making. IIOT solutions help customers gain complete visibility about their assets. IIOT solutions give answers to questions that are on the priority list of large asset owners. Questions such as: How many assets do I have? Where are they located? Am I using them effectively? How much energy are they consuming? <br /><br />Globally, large fleet owners have deployed IIOT solutions and have improved their asset utilization by over 20 per cent.<br /><br />Kloudq Technologies is one of the pioneers in this field in the Indian market and has developed a range of solutions that cut across different industry segments. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Rajesh Phadke, Co-founder, Kloudq Technologies</span> shared his thoughts, 'Data is gold of the future. IIoT and the data from connected devices are transforming the way companies and customers interactùwith benefits to both. IIoT Is shaping the future of Customer Experience and Product Development.' Phadke added, 'At Kloudq, our motto is 'Digitising Business' and we truly believe 'our customer's customer is our real customer' thereby our digitising solutions cover the last mile of the value chain and not just the enterprise.'<br /><br />IIOT adoption in India is at an inflexion point now. The real challenge has been the implementation cost of an IIOT solution and the compatibility of IIOT devices with a variety of industrial equipment. Most IIOT solutions available today are tailor-made for an equipment and need a large amount of customisation. Kloudq has a wide array of products that address these challenges. Two of our products - KloudGPAT and KloudEMS are universal products that can be fitted on almost any equipment. The products have a ready to use application that can keep track of assets and fuel consumption at the click of a button.<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;">Aditya Paranjpe, Head-IOT, Kloudq Technologies</span> stated, 'Traditionally, IIoT solutions have helped OEMs connect the dots for better and seamless customer experience, gain faster insights and enable service engineers to be more prepared in detecting problems. The trend is now shifting towards asset owners who want to maximise their productivity. The aim of any robust IIOT solution is simply to reduce the number of assets needed in a process. If I need 30 machines for a job today, I should be able to do it in 25 machines tomorrow. IIOT solutions also help address issues related to pilferage. If I know how much energy or diesel my assets should have consumed and I compare it with how much they are actually consuming I am able to know for sure something is not right in my plant.'<br /><br />Globally, large fleet owners have deployed IIOT solutions and&nbsp; improved their asset utilisation by over 20 per cent.<br /><br />For further information, connect at:<br />