Wind power, Metro and refineries will spur demand
Shibu Joseph, General Manager - Business Development - Project & Engineering, Allcargo Logistics, explains on the emerging trends in cranes segment.

How do you view the current market for cranes in India?
At present, demand for cranes is mixed. The cranes which are engaged with RIL Jamnagar for the past 2-3 years are gradually de-hiring and majority of them are getting engaged in windmill segment. Demand from other segments like thermal power, steel, cement, infrastructure, refinery etc is subdued. However, it will improve gradually from mid- 2017 as few projects in refinery upgradation and expansion, and metros are already lined up.

What automation/intelligent features do cranes feature nowadays? Which of these features are most in demand?
Cranes are now coming up with anti-collision devices, variable drive, smart SLI and remote diagnostic technologies which help in identifying faults and capturing data, enabling monitoring of crane performance.

What type of projects are expected to spur demand for different kinds of cranes?
Tell us about your offerings in this direction.

Wind segment along with Metro and refineries will spur demand in the coming times. At present, telescopic cranes of up to 250 MT and crawler cranes from 250 MT to 600 MT are in high demand as windmill installations are going on in full swing. Allcargo Logistics is the largest integrated logistics MNC and the largest equipment hiring company in India with telescopic/crawler cranes capacity ranging from 50 MT to 3,000 MT range and other equipment like multi-axle trailers, barges etc. We are providing full end-to-end support to our customers any complex logistics need. In windmill segment, we are providing full factory to foundation solutions to our customers.

To what extent have projects by the new government impacted demand for different kinds of cranes?
We are confident that steps taken by this government is in the right direction and will take some more time for growth to actually pick up. The government is very keen on improving urban infrastructure and clean energy projects with aggressive targets of 60 GW from wind power by 2022. This has resulted in good demand of cranes from windmill segment. For Metro projects, demand for newer YOM telescopic cranes from 50 MT to 200 MT cap would increase significantly.

?Demand for cranes will improve gradually from mid-2017 as few projects in refinery upgradation and expansion, and Metros are already lined up.?