We are developing full electric drives and hybrid solutions
DEUTZ is ready for the BS IV emissions standard which is to be implemented in 2020. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Vepul Kaisar, Managing Director, Deutz Engines (India)</span> shares more.<p></p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">How do you look at the latest market trends for diesel engines in Indian construction and mining segments? </span><br />We are observing shift to higher power diesel engine for more productivity. We see more demand for higher power diesel engines in future. Next to this, India decided to implement BS IV and V which will have a huge impact on the construction segment starting in 2019.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">How do you assess the emission regulation trends in Indian market?</span><br />We are reaching to global emission regulations with commitment for green environment and safety for people. DEUTZ offers engines up to emission level Stage V that is equivalent to BS V and can therefore serve the requirements globally.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">How are you prepared to meet the next level emission regulations? What are the challenges in switching over from one stage to the next stage of emission norms within a limited time?</span><br />Effective exhaust after-treatment for its engines is one of DEUTZ's core competencies. We are the first manufacturer in the world to be certified for the EU Stage V emissions standard, which will come into force in Europe in 2019. The necessary technology, including SCR catalytic converters and diesel particulate filters, is already a standard feature of production models, which means that DEUTZ is also ready for the comparable BS IV emissions standard which is to be implemented in 2020.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">What are the new products and solutions from DEUTZ? What are the key benefits of using these engines? </span><br />From 2019, DEUTZ will also be making further significant additions to its higher output range portfolio, with four new in-line engines of between 9 and 18 litre capacity. The TCD 9.0 four-cylinder engine and the TCD 12.0/13.5 and 18.0 six-cylinder models deliver power output of between 300 and 620 kW and will be aimed particular at heavy-duty off-highway applications.</p><p> The models in the TCD 9.0 to 13.5 product range are part of a family platform concept with a standardised customer interface and identical front and rear sides, which make it considerably easier to install and service the engines.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">What is about the lower output range?</span><br />DEUTZ is extending its product offering in the lower power output range, too. From 2019, based on the successful four-cylinder TCD 2.9 </p><p>(30 to 75 kW), there will be a three-cylinder variant, the TCD 2.2, ranging in output from 22 to 56 kW. Both these diesel engines will also be available as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) versions, named G 2.2 and G 2.9. All the variants will be based on the same engine platform, generating extensive synergy effects. These drives will represent a further option, in particular for low-load applications in the material handling and compact construction equipment field.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Do you have any other product or market expansion plans?</span><br />Next to our new product range, DEUTZ invests a lot into electric drive systems, the so called E-DEUTZ. This is a modular system that allows customers to put together the optimal combination of conventional and electric drive components to suit their applications.</p><p> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Is DEUTZ well equipped for future demand?</span><br />Yes, we are. We expect exponential growth after implementation of the next emission level. We are developing full electric drives and hybrid solutions for our customers and will have first prototypes available in 2019.</p>