SDLG launches Top Driver initiative in Thailand
For the first time, SDLG is expanding its Top Driver campaign - aimed at promoting machine operators? skills and safety practices - into the global market. Thailand Top Driver will include a mix of training programs and operator challenges, with the winner taking home 100,000 Baht ($3,000).

Shandong Lingong Machinery Co Ltd launched the SDLG China Top Driver campaign in 2013 and now in its third consecutive year, it is estimated to attract over 10,000 participants from across China. Building on its domestic success, the SDLG Thailand Top Driver campaign launched in Bangkok, Thailand, in partnership with SDLG?s national distributor Italthai Industrial (ITI).

The SDLG Thailand Top Driver programme includes a series of well-designed training courses and participants will be tested and qualified during boot camps - including machine operating skills and the maintenance of parts and components. The competition is open to anyone interested in the heavy equipment industry, whether they currently operate machinery or not.