Italian rental segment in building industry
The machinery and equipment hiring sector is growing in Italy, thanks to the ?Expo effect?. Estimates for the end of 2015 suggest a slight upturn which should consolidate the 2014 result (+0.7 per cent). Marco Prosperi, Director of Assodimi-Assonolo, the association of industrial machinery distributors, provided the estimate while interacting with the SaMoTer Press Office. SaMoTer is the triennial international event dedicated to the construction industry scheduled at Veronafiere during February 22-25, 2017. The hire sector in the building industry in Italy is worth over -?1.3 billion: the main items concern equipment such as scaffolding and cranes (-?360 million), platforms (-?280 million), earth moving machinery (-?260 million), prefabricated modules (-?100 million) and power generator sets (-?110 million).