About 5% of our yearly expenditure is dedicated to R&D globally
  • Andrea Pernici, General Sales Manager, Filtrec
  • Manikandan M, Country Head - Sales, Filtrec Bharat Manufacturing

You have a vast experience of more than 20 years in this company alone. Can you elaborate on the success and collaboration with your Indian partner?
Andrea Pernici (AP): We identified an opportunity in India two decades ago and collaborated with a local partner to create Filtrec Bharat, a joint venture. The partnership has been a great success, allowing us to operate together and thrive in the Indian market.

Please shed light on why the Indian market is crucial for Filtrec Bharat, especially in terms of hydraulic filters?
Manikandan M (MM): The Indian market is significant for Filtrec Bharat as it is a key player in hydraulic filter products. With India being a vital market for us, it was essential to establish our own plant here. This move aligns with the increasing investments from European and US customers in India.

Given the changing dynamics in sourcing from China, how has India become advantageous for Filtrec Bharat, and what are the projections for the Indian market in the coming years?
MM: Indias political neutrality has become an advantage in sourcing, with end-users preferring Indian premium quality products. Currently, we are the third-largest market in construction equipment, and we anticipate moving to the second position in the next four to five years.

How has Filtrec Bharat replicated its production processes in Italy and the US in India, and how has this approach been received by customers globally?
AP: We have integrated the production processes across our facilities globally, ensuring a high-quality product made in India. Customers, whether Indian, American, Japanese, Korean, Italian, or German, appreciate this partnership and the products origin.

Can you elaborate on what makes Filtrec Bharats filtration products unique, especially in collaborating with OEMs?
MM: Filtrec Bharat is a one-stop-shop for hydraulic filter requirements, offering not just assemblies but also elements. Our expertise allows us to provide dedicated solutions and excellent support, making us stand out in the market. 

Regarding R&D, what percentage of Filtrec Bharats focus is on R&D, and how does it contribute to product innovation?
AP: Approximately 5 per cent of our yearly expenditure is dedicated to R&D globally. We focus on meeting customer requirements while also striving to bring outstanding products to the market through continuous innovation.

How does Filtrec Bharat collaborate with OEMs to enhance machine productivity, especially in terms of filtration technology?
MM: Our collaboration involves leveraging technology, feedback, and testing facilities to exceed performance requirements. This collaborative approach allows us to deliver products that enhance machine productivity.

Looking ahead, what challenges and opportunities do you foresee in the construction equipment sales industry, especially with the increasing focus on environmental norms?
AP: Meeting stringent environmental norms is a challenge, but we are actively working on environmentally friendly products and processes. We aim to stay ahead of these challenges and contribute to sustainable practices.

With Filtrec Bharat serving various industries, what percentage of your focus is on the construction sector?
MM: Currently, we have launched products for the construction equipment segment, focusing on heavy-duty applications. We anticipate substantial growth in this sector in the coming years.

Can you elaborate on recent investments and future plans for expansion?
AP: Filtrec Bharat is financially robust, recently investing in a new cleanroom facility in Tumkur. We have signed numerous contracts, and with our strong financial standing, we aim to quadruple our revenue in the next three years.

How do you see the future of Filtrec Bharat in India?
MM: Filtrec Bharat, with its R&D focus and commitment to quality, is well-positioned for growth. We believe in the potential of the Indian market and foresee significant success in the years to come. 

AP: After over 20 years in India, I am optimistic about the country's future. Filtrec Bharat has played a part in Indias success, and we look forward to growing with the country.