A positive outlook
Sunil Newatia comes with more than 20 years of experience in the construction equipment industry. Through the journey of the last 20 years, he experienced the evolution of technology and customer mindset which has been a great learning experience.

His entry into the construction equipment industry was unexpected. Newatia explains, ?I got into this industry by chance and had never imagined the infra industry would have such importance in our country?s growth. I have a commerce background and had to interact with employees and customers who were all engineers and far more knowledgeable than me, in their field. The initial years in the industry were overwhelming.? According to him, the customers have graduated from just price sensitivity, to being quality conscious and now they are talking of total life cycle costs, a complete optimum package which gives them the best in price and product.

Newatia is positive about the future of the industry. He adds, ?We are looking at a very promising future of this sector. The vision of the current PM of significantly upgrading our infrastructure would require trillions of dollars and years of committed execution. We are looking at development of freight corridors, urban mass transit systems, ports, airports, power generation plants, investments in alternative energy, road and highway development, high speed rail infrastructure, smart cities... India will need to invest in latest technologies and project execution practices for speedier and cost-effective implementation of these projects. Being a technology pioneer and quality solution provider, we expect to be in the thaw of things. (We have an) exciting time ahead.?